Monday, April 1, 2013

EDS and brains

It's not uncommon for someone with EDS to have an IQ score above average or even at genius level, and yet we often struggle to remember even basic things, may have issues to focus on something for an extended period of time and try to stay clear of the dreaded fog. I used to have close to photo memory in the past, but since pain started affecting me more and more, my memory has gotten worse and so has my ability to focus, and it feels like my mind is taking over where my body has fallen behind due to my physical disability from the EDS. I've always been a ramble head, they say EDS'ers can have hypermobile body and mind, that's definitely true for me! 
All my life have I had issues with insomnia, some periods worse than others and if it's not pain keeping me awake it's my brain just shooting thoughts all over the place, feeling like a washing machine of thoughts doing the spin cycle. 
As for my memory. I can remember things I don't need to remember at all, but if I need to remember something, say, if I'm studying something. The dreaded Teflon memory strikes and even silence can distract me and make me forget what I just read, or something else is more interesting, like a bird in a tree outside and whatnot. 
In EDS this is apparently not uncommon, and many of us has traits of ADD, ADHD, Asperger, OCD or something else like it, and quite many even have one of the above mentioned diagnoses or even more than one. I have traits of Asperger but not enough to seek a diagnose for it or anything, it's just some minor traits and when I found out, it did explain a fair bit, I also have some traits of OCD, but again, only some traits and not enough for it to affect my everyday life or anything, it's just there, and as long as I do what works for me, I don't notice. While I do admit it's annoying when things HAS to be a certain way and I go nuts if they aren't! Thankfully, those things that has to be a certain way aren't too many things, so it's pretty low maintenance.
The one thing I find the most annoying since my EDS began to really show its ugly face is that as my physical ability deteriorates, my mind gets more busy with nonsense and I find it even harder to relax both physically and mentally because my brain just doesn't shut up and my body is always tense to keep myself together. It's so annoying, some days I just want to scream! Then on top of it is the chronic pain and fatigue that comes with the EDS as well... The more pain I'm in, the more difficult it is to get to the point of something, and right now it feels like the ramble head is taking over so time to call it a post.

The image below pretty much sums it up!

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