Monday, November 9, 2009

Getting late...

About 10pm now. I'm pretty sleepy. Didn't have dinner before, just felt too tired to even think about it so decided to just relax instead. Would like to sleep now but my hair is still too wet- thank you new work schedule! I have a hairdryer around but it's about as effective as taking a drinking straw and blow on the hair... Along with making my hair all wierd. My hair really hates hairdryers and styling products! And it really doesn't get along with conditioner, but who needs those anyways! My hair rarely has any split ends, and that's with just 2 hair cuts per year, and not using conditioner when washing my hair. Even my hairdresser is totally amazed by that. And my hair is always very easy to brush through. And that's all I do with it: Wash, let dry in a towel or air dry, and brush it. Haven't had a haircut since June now, and my hair looks good still and can probably go at least until Christmas before having a haircut again.

Yep, you guessed it right: I'm BORED! And sleepy...
Really should have some snack before sleep too, will see what I can find in the kitchen.

Tomorrow is B12 day, going to have my shot before going to work in the morning, but it for sure won't make get up earlier than usual. I'm not at all afraid of needles so it only takes me a couple of minutes to finish the whole process of breaking that little vial open, draw the B12 up and inject it. Bought some fancy Disney bandaids and Tom and Jerry bandaids today too^^ Always need a bandaid after those injections to avoid stains on my clothes, so why not use some FUN bandaids, the regular ones are just too boring. I might be 24, but sometimes you just have to let yourself be a bit childish. Got some shorter needles today too so tomorrow I'll probably take my shot in the arm instead of on the bum. Want to rotate the sites a bit and not just use the same area all the time...
Just hope I'm not too tired to go to work tomorrow. It was so great to be back today again, even if it made me very tired. Just hope someone has managed to move my forklift tomorrow when I come...
My forklift got stuck in a small slope at work today when I was driving to the forklift room when finishing work, and even with my best efforts of unstucking it for about 10 minutes, it just wouldn't move because the driving wheel couldn't get a grip on the floor. Think someone will have to lift the back of it a little bit with a bigger forklift. I couldn't try that today though because I don't have licence to drive those big high lifting ones. The one I drive lifts pretty low. Guess my workmates will laugh at me tomorrow, but I'll just laugh with them. It is a well known fact that the kind of forklift I drive absolutely hates driving up or down a slope even on a concrete floor. And my forklift has recently gotten a new driving wheel and I feel it has been difficult to drive it today compared to before. The new wheel just doesn't get a good grip on the floor. Will have to mention that to the guy who deals with the reports about which forklifts needs to be checked when the maintainance and repairmen comes. My forklift really felt quite horrible to drive today, and normally that one is very nice to drive. Something is definitely not right with that new wheel it has... Oh well, my workmates and I will have a good laugh at it tomorrow :P

Hmm even after wasting about 20 mintues writing this blog, my hair is still no where near being dry enough for sleep... That is quite annoying...
Now I'd really better head into the kitchen to make a sandwich or a bowl of noodles. Feeling a bit lightheaded and that for me might mean having a little bit low bloodsugar...

Will update tomorrow sometime.

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