Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Halfway to the weekend. Today has been a great day! The train into town was on time for once, and a faster commuter train was in when I came down the escalator at the commuter train part of the central station. So I caught that commuter train, and then I arrived my work area earlier than usual, was expecting to having to wait for my bus for about 20 minutes but then a bus I'm never able to catch came, so I took that one today, and arrived work even before I would have gotten on my usual bus. Could just sit at work and relax with some coffee for nearly 1 hour before my shift started! Wish everyday was like this.
My workday was a little bit unusual too today, I helped a workmate moving some products and shelves today instead of doing my usual stuff. Was nice with a change and also nice to work with someone and just chat while working. Just did my usual task the last 1.5 hour today. Now I know why my forklift gets stuck too. The driving wheel on it must have the wrong dimension. I didn't drive my usual forklift today, but a workmate was driving it and managed to get stuck on a rubber carpet, and when I compared my usual forklift with the one I drove today which is the same model, I could see my usual one barely has any air space between the floor and the lowest part of the forklift, while the one I drove today had space. Of course the workmate got stuck in the slope today too, but we were prepared for it...

Now it's just about two weeks left until first of Advent if I'm not mistaken. I don't really keep track on it very well these days I must admit. Anyways. I'm going to put up some electric candles in the windows fairly soon. It's so cozy and gives extra light in this dark season.
I still haven't started christmas shopping. But I'll wait until the november salary comes. It will be plenty of time to shop until Christmas, and I'm not going to buy much anyways. Just a little something for my closest family and some friends, but nothing big.
Feels quite incredible it's just a little more than a month left until Christmas, this year has been so fast! Doesn't feel like nearly a year has gone since last Christmas. Interesting how the speed of time changes with your age. When I was younger the years felt very long, but since high school or so, the years has just gone by in the speed of light.
In April it was 5 years since I graduated from high school, but it feels like it was yesterday. My husband and I have been together for 4 years in December. Wow, time has just been flying!

But now I have a mission! And it has nothing to do with Christmas, working or how fast time is. I really have to deal with the Chinese issue! I have to learn it! It's been 4 years since I first started learning a little, but I'm still totally unable to communicate with my in-laws! That has to change, I have to spend more time with the books and remember what I read. Time to learn those spiderwebs (ehh, characters)! Next year when my husband and I visit his family in China, I want to speak with my Chinese family, maybe not a fluent conversation, but just be able to speak freely a little bit instead of using translating softwares and pre-made phrases. I have no clue about expressing myself in Chinese yet :/

Oh well, long blog post today. I've had too much coffee! (6 cups) LOL

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