Friday, November 13, 2009

TGIF even be it a 13th!

What a week! I'm knackered. It's friday evening @10.30pm and my husband and I are about to go to sleep even though it's my husband's birthday today. Both of us are just really sleepy, but I'm probably the most sleepy. Has been a quite ok day today, except for the friday 13th syndrome at work LOL The system went down just before noon, and when I was off work at 5pm the IT people were still troubleshooting and fixing the server! Apparently four very important switches had burnt. If that wasn't the friday 13th ghost I don't know what it was LOL I've never heard about one of those things happening before at work, and it just had to happen today.

Anyways, us in the "late crew" (we start 2h later and finish 2h later than the other workmates) finished work bit earlier today. We couldn't do our normal tasks today anyways due to the server crash, so we did some other things instead. It was friday bar friday at work today, so instead of just bumming around doing little or nothing until 5pm we went to the friday bar to hang out with a couple of other workmates. The friday bar is always nice, even though I don't drink beer or wine (or anything else with alcohol for that matter). They do serve Cola aswell, or Sprite or just mineral water. No matter what you drink, it's always nice to just sit down and relax with a drink and chat with workmates, play dart or some table tennis before going home for the weekend.

The weather here in Copenhagen is really bad at the moment. All week has just been pretty cold and rainy. Typical for the season, but it's always as boring every year. Makes me want to do like the summer birds do- MOVE SOUTH FOR THE WINTER!

My Windows updates has finally finished downloading now, so time to turn off computer for the first time in weeks, and go to sleep. And yup, I normally just put it to stand-by over night... Takes ages to start Vista! I really do hate Vista! Thinking about upgrading to Windows 7 if it isn't too complicated to change system...

Anyways. Sleep time :P

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