Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Busy busy day at work. Really sleepy now.
My husband passed his theory test for drivers licence today, and that's really great! Now he just have to pass the driving test too, after taking the risk course which includes driving on slippery surface.

Still really like Windows 7. My computer has never been working better than now. I just still need to re-install Live messenger (which I rarely use for chatting) and The Sims 3. But I'm not in a hurry with it. Need to find my case for The Sims 3 to type in the serial for my game. It's somewhere around here, but I don't have the energy to look for it right now. Not feeling like playing now anyways. Too busy on Facebook after work and with my blog and Twitter. And this weekend my parents are coming down to visit so need to prepare for that both at home and prepare myself for hosting parents by relaxing as much as possible now in the week.

Even though I've been on B12 shots for almost 3 weeks now, I'm still pretty tired. I'm able to work but it's really not much more than that... But I think I would have been more tired if I had taken B12 pills instead of the shots. B12 shots works way faster than pills.

Think I'll relax some more now. Still waiting for my hair to dry, or I'd already be asleep now...

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