Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Yay, halfway through the work week! Only 2 more workdays now and then I can just do whatever I want for 2 days. I'm planning to start looking for Christmas presents this weekend since I can't go shopping at all after work (shops close at the same time I'm off work, or close shortly after), and I don't want to do all my shopping the day before Christmas LOL I already pretty much know what to buy for my husband, but I'm not going to shout it out here in case he reads my blog tehe

I bought some Christmas lights for outdoor use today in the supermarket. Put it up on the handrail on the balcony, so now the balcony looks really pretty. Going to put up more lights both inside and outside but that will have to be in the weekend so I can put it up in daylight. It was indeed quite complicated to put up lights on the balcony in darkness, and the only light I had when putting the lights up today was from the kitchen through the kitchen window, but that light was pretty limited.

My feet hurts pretty bad today. Have been standing pretty much in the same place all day at work, in a pair of hard protection shoes! I really need to put better insoles in them because I always get pain in my feet from those shoes, especially in the front pad of my feet. And if I don't have insoles with some arch support in those shoes I get severe pain from a nearly 5 year old ankle injury. Right now I have gel insoles in my working shoes, but it doesn't help much. Need something better, and mainly need something wich is very soft in the front part, good support for the arch and stable for the heel. I quite wish Crocs would make safety shoes! I can wear Crocs all day at work without getting pain. But since we have forklifts that weighs well over a ton, we are (finally) required to wear safety shoes that can take at least about 500kg pressure. Sure, it can't resist the weight of the biggest forklifts, but it can make that empty pallet or heavy box hurt less if dropping it on the foot! And it will give some protection hopefully if being run over on the feet by a forklift, better protection than sport shoes or a pair of Crocs anyways.

But when it comes to safety shoes and playing table tennis... Well, not the best of combinations LOL I played today in the break with some workmates and of course hit my big toe quite hard into the steel shell in the front part of my shoe when trying to hit the ball! That hurt big time I dare say, not far from running toe first into a door frame or furniture! It was pretty much the same, only differece was that it was my foot sliding inside my shoe into the steel, rather than accidentially kicking on some object. The tip of my right big toe is still a bit tender now from sliding into the hard part of my shoe. If I play table tennis tomorrow I'll make sure to have the velcro strap more firm onto my foot so my foot can't slide forwards in the shoe when running. We play around the table by the way, hence the running. Today I won 2-3 times something and was in the final almost everytime, even after hurting my toe.

Hanging on Restaurant City right now at the same time as I write this. Some limited dishes on there now, but something tells me it will be just as difficult to get the ingredients this time as it was for the Halloween dishes. I managed to unlock all the Halloween dishes, but I'm yet to find two apples, one pumpkin and one turkey to unlock all the Thanksgiving dishes. I did manage to get butter as a free ingredient when answering the quiz today, and that enabled me to unlock the Corn on the cob dish. And I was lucky enough to get bread as a first friend visit ingredient when visiting a newly added friend today :)
To make sure I unlock the dishes, I'll resort to buying Playfish Cash tomorrow to buy some ingredients with that, just to unlock the dishes before they're gone once and for all. I was planning to buy some Playfish cash about now anyways, so I don't mind having to buy ingredients that way now. It's by far easier than adding tons of friends on Facebook just for trading. I'm also going to help a friend get some ingredients and other items :) That's just how I am... I like to help, and to give gifts :) At least when I have known someone for a longer period of time, and this person is someone I've "known" for nearly 2 years now, but we haven't been facebook friends until now, just been on the same petting list in (fluff)Friends. But he did give me quite a laugh on Twitter earlier today LOL Took some time before he realised who I am :D At least that made my day more fun while working. Oops, yes, I'm guilty as charged! I update on Twitter while working :O LOL But really, it only takes a few seconds on my iPhone, so it's no problem :)

Now I wish my hair would dry a bit faster so I can go to sleep soon. Quite tired today even after all that coffee I've had at work.

Oh, and when I've finished Christmas decorating at home, I'll take some pictures and post on here. With some luck, it will be up in the weekend.

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