Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Got stuck again

Something is definitely not right with my forklift! Today I got stuck again, in the same place when driving up to the forklift room, and today I even paid extra attention to hit the top of the slope at full speed and with an angle. I don't think the new driving wheel on the forklift is right... I've never been stuck like that before, but now it's the 2nd day in a row. Luckily today a workmate came just seconds behind me, and he was driving one of the even smaller forklifts which is not sensitive to slopes at all. So after a few loud moments of forklift crashes, my forklift finally got a grip on the floor again and I could drive into the forklift room.

This morning I got up at my usual time to go to work. Had a headache in the morning which I just ignored. Just got dressed, took my B12 shot and left home about 15 minutes after getting out of bed- yep, I'm that fast in the morning ;) Got to work, headache still pretty bad, along with being real dizzy so I took a couple of painkillers and an anti-sickness pill. Luch break came, and I still didn't feel on top of things but decided to stay at work anyways. At 3pm I gave in and told my team leader that I had to go home. I was just feeling too unwell to last until 6pm. In the afternoon I have been feeling like as if having a fever, felt cold and shivering a bit even after putting on my college sweater over my work T-shirt. Don't know what's going on now really. Didn't have fever when I got home, but still feeling craptastic and have recently taken yet another anti-sickness pill. So if I fall asleep in mid-sentence you know why :P
I just hope I'll feel better tomorrow morning. I'd rather not have to stay home due to illness now when I've finally started working again after being on sickleave for two weeks for the B12 deficiency.

Got an invitation from my GP clinic a few days ago, about the swineflu vaccination. I knew it would come soon, and I had so been looking forward to do what I did with it: Tearing it into 1000 pieces and throwing it in the bin!
Yesterday I got an invitation for the vaccine from my boss, but I said thanks but no thanks, I'm not taking it!
I'm so sick of the flu talk everywhere all the time! It doesn't matter how much the media is nagging about it. I'M NOT GOING TO GET THE VACCINATION! And I'm sick of hearing people saying "It's your duty to the society to take it to protect others" No, it is NOT my duty towards the society to take a vaccination for a flu. Those people who don't want to risk getting the flu, THEY should take the vaccination and leave us who doesn't want the vaccination alone! I'm well aware of the risks of the flu, but I've never had a confirmed flu and I've never had a flu shot so why take the flu shot now?! I have a strong immune system and don't catch infections easily, seem to be resistant to most bugs- touch wood!

Dinnertime soon now.

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