Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ambidextrous people rock the world!

By the word pretty much ;) As I was looking for pictures of Freddie for a tribute video I made yesterday as November 24th is the day he passed away in 1991, I found a photo of him playing guitar left handed, which made me pretty sure he was ambidextrous. Some googling today, and my guess was right!
I'm ambidextrous myself, and it's so handy! In fact, I remember this one time when I was going to hold a guitar for the first time ever, think it was in music class in junior school, I first held it as a left handed would and this was before I even found out I'm ambidextrous. I found out I'm ambidextrous 10 years ago now, when I was 15, until then I was right handed with left handed tendencies like wearing my watch on right wrist- something I've always done ever since having those plastic toy watches that always breaks after 2 minutes ;)
Today I mix between writing with left and right, but for many other things I'm left handed. I can't for e.g brush my teeth with right hand, while I do brush my hair mostly with right hand. As for using the tape at work, I almost always use left hand, same goes for cutting down cardboard boxes.
At work I'm funnily enough not the only ambidextrous. I have a couple of workmates who are ambidextrous too, even though they seem to be a bit more right handed.

And they say being ambidextrous is rare? I know several ambidextrous people around the world, and many musicians are ambidextrous too. It's a good thing when playing an instrument :) Maybe that's why violin wasn't too difficult for me...
And no, I haven't learned to be ambidextrous, nor have someone taught me to in my childhood. I just tried writing with left when I was 15 and it worked! After that I've just tried more and more to compare my ability in both hands. The only thing I can't do with left hand is using scissors but I even know purely left handed people who can't use scissors with left hand, no matter what kind of scissors it is.

Being ambidextrous really gives you the best out of two worlds! I think it will come very handy too now when I'm wanting to learn to play keyboard properly, and not just play one handed melodies. Should I try guitar too, it will be interesting to see which will feel better, left or right.

Oh gosh am I rambling or what. It's midnight, I've slept too little all week and felt craptastic most of the evening so I guess that's why I just type out these kinds of random ramblings about whatever.

Oh well, here's the photo I found which made me google and is the reason behind this long post.

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