Monday, November 8, 2010

The best weekend in a long time!

This weekend, I tried something I've never tried before- video chatting in a chat room! I had such a great time and made some new online friends too! I haven't had that much fun in a very long time, and seeing everyone and talking rather than only typing makes it feel like you're in the same room in a way, even if the people in the chat room is half a world away from where I am.
For the first time in quite a while, I actually felt happiness again! And I was truly laughing because I had fun.

I haven't blogged for a while. I just haven't had the strength to do so. I think I'm strong enough now.

For those of you who have been reading my blog before, you know I'm married and very much in love. Well, in September, my world fell apart when my husband quite suddenly left me and a couple of days later said he wanted a divorce and that he hasn't loved me for years if he ever even did love me at all. It was him proposing marriage and everything! It has taken quite some time to get back on track from all this, I was even on sick leave from work for 3 weeks to get myself together again and spend some time with my family who lives hours away from me.

As of today, I haven't heard a word from my husband for three weeks, no phone call, no SMS or anything, I've just seen him signing on MSN every once in a while, but he doesn't write to me and I don't write to him. I'm determined to not be the one breaking the silence between us as it was him who did all this!
He's the one wanting a divorce, but I'm the one who's been having to look everything up on how to do it. I've made my decision now: I'm going to file the divorce! It's what he wants, but I want to move out of this apartment where we used to live together. It's just too many memories here and it can never feel like MY home because of that. I need a new beginning, a place to call my own and closer to my job. I have something called flexibility in the waiting list in the part of town where my work is located, but before that county can help me now they need divorce papers from me or something called separation approval. I see no reason to bullshit with the separation approval so I'll go straight onto divorce. My husband has moved out and we're no longer living together and don't have any intention to live together again.

After the shock of him leaving me, the man who was my true love. I've realized I deserve better than that. But I'll let things take its time and I won't go looking for a new man in my life. Should Mr Right cross my path, it's destiny who wants it that way!

So... Now you know why I've been so silent for almost 2 months. And the fun I had this weekend made me pretty much forget all my sorrows and I felt true happiness again!

I want to say Thank You to all my friends, old or new, online or offline, near or far, for making life worth living! Love you all! <3


  1. Tråkigt att läsa om skillsmässan men jätte kul att se att du börjar komma på fötter igen! Hoppas allt går bra och kämpa på!!// Maria

  2. WOW to Jennie! I am so very glad I made a new friend during Diabetic Kid'z Weekend and it was an honow to have you with us Jennie.
