Sunday, November 28, 2010

Back home again

Have spent the weekend with my family in my home village. It was so nice to just spend some time with family and my cat again. I haven't been at home since October.
Yesterday one of my aunts had a Christmas party which was very nice! So nice to just sit and talk with everyone! And I got to see my wonderful cousin again for the first time for many months! Last time I was at home, my cousin was still in hospital after a major back surgery she had gone through in September.

There's a lot of snow outside now, both in Copenhagen where I live now, and in my home area, more snow in my home area though- it's further north. Here in Copenhagen we have about 5-10cm of snow, my home area has about 20cm of snow.
It's very pretty with the snow now in Advent :) Makes it very Christmassy outside. A winter like this is something I haven't seen before really. Some snow in Advent is not really uncommon, but this much snow, and this cold already is very rare. My home area has had about -10 degrees for a few days now, right now it's -6 there according to my iPhone, and that is pretty rare for this time of year. Those really cold temperatures usually doesn't come until January-February. Here in Copenhagen it's 1 degree now, but funnily enough it felt much colder here when I walked home from the station, than it did yesterday when going out to the car after the Christmas party, and last night it was -10 when we went home again.
Just a shame there wasn't any northern light outside last night as it was very clear sky and "perfect conditions" for watching northern light. Oh well, winter isn't over yet, and I hope I can see the northern light this winter :) I haven't seen it for some years now and it's so beautiful! It's commonly seen in the north part of Sweden and Norway, but not as common in my home area even if it does exist.

And right now I think I may just have heard thunder outside here :O I sure hope it won't be thunder over night! Not just is it very rare in November, but I absolutely hate being alone when it's thundering, especially at night!

Mum had bought a book for me a couple of weeks ago, written by my idol from my teenage years. I read the book over the weekend and finished it on the train back home today. I quite liked the book, but sure hope that guy hasn't gone through all of that he wrote! I know parts of the book was from his real life, like passing out at home and waking up in hospital after a severe low (he's a type 1 diabetic) but hopefully some parts were just parts of celebrity life but not something he had gone through himself. But after reading that book, I'm happy about not being a celebrity! Just too much late nights, parties, alcohol and drugs involved in that kind of life.

I'm still wanting to get into music more, but only as a hobby and maybe for raising awareness and such. But at first, I'll just try to find a non-religious choir to join after the holidays. I really want to get to know my voice better and train it to be able to control it better and sing without getting tired, along with wanting to find some real life friends in this area. My life is on the internet, and as happy as I may be with that, I would like to have a life offline too!

Today I've had my nose piercing for a week, and it looks and feels fine which means it's healing the way it should. Mum didn't see it until yesterday, and when she saw it she actually didn't get mad at me but said it was OK and started to rant about eyebrow piercings and lip piercings instead. Dad seems to not have noticed, or he just didn't mention seeing it, I don't know which. No one in the Christmas party yesterday seem to have noticed it anyways as no one mentioned it. But I see that as a good thing, it means my nose piercing fits me and doesn't become a huge scream in my face, it just melts in with my general look :)

Winter seems to have got to my hands now. I normally don't have issues with dry skin or anything, but now I seem to have very dry skin or some kind of rash on my right hand. It's not itching really, but the skin looks very dry and a bit red, and it stings a bit. Quite annoying, but I think some good hand cream I have at home should fix it.

Now I really should get my hair dry and get ready for sleep. It's nearly midnight and I have work tomorrow.

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