Monday, November 29, 2010

A Monday from hell?

One would think it was anyways... Started off nicely with leaving home just after 8am this morning to go to work, going to work normally takes me about an hour under normal conditions. Today though, conditions were far from normal as we have about 20-30cm of snow in Copenhagen now and as Denmark doesn't have heating in the train tracks where the tracks separate into more tracks, those darn things often freeze in winter! Today was one of those days. Snow, wind and a bitter cold, and as I came to the station all trains were either delayed big time or canceled. I waited in the station for about 30 minutes before a train finally came, having to endure the speaker's happy voice announcing trains every 20 minutes in each direction (and some people on the platform had been waiting for 40 already). Those announcements were the joke of today for sure!
I finally got into Copenhagen main station where I transfer to a local train, luckily I didn't need to wait for more than a minute for that train. Got off at my usual station to take the bus to work, and the god damn bus doesn't come! I had to wait for 30 minutes again! Some people at the bus stop had been waiting for nearly an hour when the bus finally came. When the bus finally came, I had already been on my way to work for over 1.5 hour and I was starting to run late.
Got off bus at my bus stop and walked as fast as I could to work and checked in 5 minutes late! Took me almost 2 hours from door to door today!
On top of it, today was incredibly busy at work, along with everything taking longer than normal because the orders were big or a bit special when sending them out.
Anyways, 6pm came at last, and I left work to go home. My bus came a couple of minutes late and I saw my train leave the station. Said a few well chosen words and walked up on the platform and to my great relief the local trains had started running every 10 minutes again instead of the every 20 minutes it had been for most of the day. Arrived main station and went down to the platform where my train leaves from just at just about the same time as my usual train arrived a few minutes behind schedule. Caught my train and was back home only a little bit later than I'd normally be after going to supermarket on my way home too. My trip home was fine. But this morning and day at work sure was a Monday from hell!

The snow sure looks pretty, but it's just so much problems on the roads and with the public transportation so I really do have a love- hate relationship with it.
Not knowing exactly where my ski trousers are either does make me want to fly south for a while too! When standing outside in this weather, waiting for a bus or train you don't know when it will arrive, you really do feel like a deep frozen penguin from south of the south pole when the bus or train does arrive!
I think my ski trousers are somewhere in my rental storage room, I'll maybe go there tomorrow to look, today I had to go to supermarket on my way and it would have been too late for me to do both shopping and going to storage room today because I needed to get home and into the shower.
I sure hope my ski trousers are in the storage room! It's too freezing cold to only wear winter shoes, a big warm coat and jeans when being outside now. Need to have those trousers too to not get too cold.

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