Friday, November 12, 2010

A musical nostalgy trip

Friday evening and I got home from work about an hour ago. Just in the mood to listen to music and go onto Youtube, search ABBA and the Friday evening is complete! ABBA is timeless, and was still played a bit when I was really young. I'm born in the mid 80's. Sitting here listening to ABBA almost makes me wish I grew up in the 70's, the decade with GOOD MUSIC! Most of the songs made today sound like a combination of metal workshop and torture of a turkey! And tone deaf ear torture #1 is no other than Rihanna, closely followed by Ke$ha. I can't stand those two at all!

Right now watching and listening to I have a dream by ABBA, and I see potential to re-do the lyrics on it a bit. Maybe a project for the future. Right now I'm just enjoying the music. It's my favourite song by ABBA!

It's wonderful with weekend now. Going to enjoy every second of it. And do what I can to spread awareness on International Diabetes awareness day on Sunday! It's about time the general population get an idea what it's like for all those million of people living with the condition! I have many friends living with type 1 and family living with type 2. I consider myself a type 3, which is not a diagnose but a person who cares and know a little bit about the condition.

I often sit and google things for friends, especially one friend in China who doesn't know much about what's out there on the market. I try to help him get the hang of things, find better ways of managing his condition. He rarely or never test his blood sugar levels, and even after 6 years of type 1, he's on a pre-mixed insulin twice daily and those few times in a year when he does test his levels, he's always high. I'm seriously worried! He's only 32, and not many years into living with diabetes, so it's not too late for him to take control! But the way it's going now, I'm fearing to soon hear from him that he's got complications!
I'm not pushing him or anything. I'm just looking things up, ask him how he's doing and try to get him more motivated.

OK, now this post become quite a mess of things. But I had to get it all out!

If you have read my ramblings this far, do spend another 2 minutes and help save a child's life!

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